Beauty of the Beast (5 mins) - 2005
My final year college film.
My final year college film.
Story Board - 13 images
The following images are what little of a storyboard I had to work with. A lot of the ideas shown below were cut out of the final product based on time and energy requiered to actually animate them.

note: The writing is by a tutor. The notes suggest an extra scene showing the angel actually getting her wings removed.

This may have been the biggest mistake - I did not actually have an ending planned after this page of the story board - I originally wanted a fight scene to end the film.

note: The writing is by a tutor. The notes suggest an extra scene showing the angel actually getting her wings removed.

This may have been the biggest mistake - I did not actually have an ending planned after this page of the story board - I originally wanted a fight scene to end the film.