Beauty of the Beast (5 mins) - 2005
My final year college film.
My final year college film.
Story Board - 13 images
The following images are what little of a storyboard I had to work with. A lot of the ideas shown below were cut out of the final product based on time and energy requiered to actually animate them.

note: The writing is by a tutor. The notes suggest an extra scene showing the angel actually getting her wings removed.

This may have been the biggest mistake - I did not actually have an ending planned after this page of the story board - I originally wanted a fight scene to end the film.

Note: The Japanese on the wall means nothing!!! It was a Japanese font I had and typed out something in English - the result is gibberish. I thought that it might look cool. Obviously, it doesn’t!

Character Sketches and Ideas - 33 Images
Concept sketches I did based on what ever ideas I had while drawing. Apologies for the poor quality. The pictures were drawn on Animation Paper and were to big for my scanner. They were also drawn with a blue animation pencil (Col-Erase), and as anybody who has used one will know, they are not exactly the best for illustrating with.

Fun Fact: This is the floor plan of the Accident and Emergency in Mayo General Hospital, Castlebar. I had been in there a few times (for little things, don’t worry) while in college. I got to know the layout pretty well.

Ideas Book - 19 Images
These images are from a small A5 notebook. They are a collection of sketches and photos I modified using Tipex [White-out]

note: The writing is by a tutor. The notes suggest an extra scene showing the angel actually getting her wings removed.

This may have been the biggest mistake - I did not actually have an ending planned after this page of the story board - I originally wanted a fight scene to end the film.

Note: The Japanese on the wall means nothing!!! It was a Japanese font I had and typed out something in English - the result is gibberish. I thought that it might look cool. Obviously, it doesn’t!

Character Sketches and Ideas - 33 Images
Concept sketches I did based on what ever ideas I had while drawing. Apologies for the poor quality. The pictures were drawn on Animation Paper and were to big for my scanner. They were also drawn with a blue animation pencil (Col-Erase), and as anybody who has used one will know, they are not exactly the best for illustrating with.

Fun Fact: This is the floor plan of the Accident and Emergency in Mayo General Hospital, Castlebar. I had been in there a few times (for little things, don’t worry) while in college. I got to know the layout pretty well.

Ideas Book - 19 Images
These images are from a small A5 notebook. They are a collection of sketches and photos I modified using Tipex [White-out]

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