Tuesday 6 July 2010

Some Stuff

WOW! It has been a long time since I experimented with this blog. I am still testing other sites to see what would be the best way to get my art out there while at the same time try to show people the process that goes into it.
So far, I have had some luck with MySpace . I don't know what is the best option though... I can't imagine many people reading any of my blogs.

Some Stuff...
I don't have access to my Intous3 or any other Wacom at the moment, so I have been stuck with doing some pencil/ pen sketches. They are rough (in my opinion) and very unfinished. But I thought I might as well post them since I don't know when (or if) I will get to finish them.

It's tough work adding any form of atmosphere using just the touch pad on one's laptop!

This picture was inspired by this article I found about the cancer cells of a woman that have been in use for the past 50 years.

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