Friday, 21 October 2011

Early October Doodles

These are just some quick doodles I did in early October when I was taking a break from animation. 

Self Portrait

My Friend Holly. She was cleaning on this day

These following images I created using  a version of Muro that is used in the comment sections of DeviantArt

I did these as a reaction to the years of my work being "liked" or "+faved" (a DevART way of appreciating artwork). But they would recieve no comments. Even in this blog, I don't recieve comments anywhere near the ammount of visitors I get. (so far, I only have 2 comments! Both from friends).

PLEASE! Leave me a comment! Anywhere!

You can comment here in this blog, or on DevArt, or drop by my Facebook. There are no bad comments. At this point I will even take negative comments, because at least then I will know someone took the time to look and then write how they felt (and then I will eat a big bowl of ice-cream while I cry).

Even if it is to say "huh, nice" or "cool" or "this is shit."
You can even say where you are looking from.

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