Friday, 18 May 2012

exist†trace Fan Art

I discovered exist†trace a few months ago when a Japanese friend posted one of their videos on Facebook. I wanted to draw them since then but didn't have the time until recently...

Naoto - The Power of Darkness
Naoto - Bass - exist†trace

I had wanted to do something like this for awhile. Unfortunately this didn’t come out anywhere near what I envisioned. Not only does it miss the mark as in how I wanted it to look, but I’m also not happy with the overall quality. I drew this straight into Photoshop. Not the easiest thing to do. 
Well, it’s done now... 

Naoto of Diamonds - Playing Card
Naoto - Bass - exist†trace

I still wanted to draw a picture of Naoto (from exist†trace ), so I decided to draw this one on paper first. I then used Photoshop to do all the inking and colouring. I don’t completely know where I was going with this. I remembered a Playing Card design competition from a few years ago on DeviantART. But I didn’t put much thought into the over all design other than making Naoto look cool. 
I made her card a [black] diamond based on their latest music video. In the video the band portray a gang of thieves. So the diamond on the card is to represent the jewels and gold they stole. My original idea was to have the card represent [black] hearts, but I was worried that it would look like I was in love with Naoto.

Mally - The Not-so-good Thief 
Mally - Drummer - exist†trace

I also wanted to do a picture of Mally for a while. I couldn’t think of anything cool so I just drew her the way she appears in their latest video.

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