Sunday, 25 September 2016

Mobile Fish

via Instagram

This drawing is really just messing about (there is a lot wrong with it, A LOT!) and also to just finish something too.

It is heavily influenced by a picture Jake Parker drew during his YouTube Video "Are You Talented Enough? e037" (he did a drawing of a whale with four robotic legs and some weapons).

Drawing robots and machines is something I hope to improve some day...

Next week is the start of InkTober.
I had heard of it before, but this will be my first time taking part. My work won't be as colourful as this. It will be mostly black and white (I might through in a grey if suitable). But the month is mostly about exploring and improving inking technique. Inking is something I tend to avoid and do mostly in Photoshop.

The last time I tried a "drawing a day" challenge, I gave up after a week or two. This should be a bit more fun since it is a global event.

We will see how it goes...

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