Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Daily Picture: Day #1

I haven't drawn anything in a long time. That's not completely true, but the things I have drawn or painted have been requests from the school (props, art project templates, etc). But I have been avoiding drawing or painting when there wasn't a demand. 

It is that time of year we Irish Catholics call Lent. It use to be traditional to give up something during the 40 day event. Kids would give up sweets (except on St Patrick's day when they might get a temporary pass) or adults would try to give up smoking or drinking ("try" being the word). But it is also considered a time to take up a new habit, usually of the spiritual/ religious kind. 

So, I have decided (among other things) to set myself the task of doing a picture a day during Lent...

I have been away from the action and convinced myself that maybe art isn't in my future after all (despite all the time and money gone into my Animation studies), and I'm finding it tough to get back into the swing of things.

This could be a rough 40 days. (or is it 46 days??)

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