Saturday, 29 October 2016

Inktober 2016: Day 29

via Instagram

Day 29:
As the hooded stranger slayed the last vampire for the evening, he managed the catch the choir finishing a song he enjoyed listening to back in the day.
It wasn't the greatest song in the world, Just a tribute...


I wanted to post this sooner before the choir event happened (it's probably safe to assume it has ended for the night).
It's based on what I imagine was happening in St Matthew's hall, Douglas, Isle of Man.

There was a fundraising event for Anthony Nolan (stem cell register located in London). The evening included musical performances by Meraki Music - IOM community choir.
"But Joe, why are you dedicating an Inktober image to the event?"
I'm friends with one of the organisers and I'm volunteering / donating my artistic ability as part of the event at a later date (we will see how that goes)...

By now, you know the usual: it's riddled with problems, perspective is a bit wonky, I have never actually been inside the hall, etc etc.
And yes, I'm well aware that vampires don't go near hallowed ground.

Finished not perfect.

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