Exhibition tomorrow night, 6:30pm Charlestown Arts Centre.
This is an example of the steps that went into making the images for the exhibition, with the one exception here that I did the rough sketch (step 2) in Photoshop (for all the others I used two coloured pencils or a 2h pencil) The pencil stage (step 3)is usually covered by the inking, but for this I wanted to tweak the printed rough sketch before transferring it to the blending card (the high quality paper I use for the copics).
Step 1: thumbnail (quick planning stage). Step 2: laying it all out rough. Step 3: clean up Step 4: inking (and adding colours)
There are two presentations going on at the same time.
My exhibition is six images (plus the development sketches) based on or inspired by segments from the book "No One Shouted Stop" by local writer and journalist John Healy.
Visual Exhibition: Friday 25th November 2016.
Another sneak peak at the images for the upcoming exhibition.
This is a pencil stage. I arranged the composition in Photoshop and printed it very lightly and drew over it with pencil. I then used a light box (actually my old animation disk and a strip light) to trace it onto better paper. The finished image will be on display in the exhibition.
I will post the images after the exhibition has finished.
The first stage (after thumbnailing) of an image I'm working on for the upcoming exhibition. I found working directly on paper too slow and caused problems that were too difficult to fix.
For this one I planned it out in Photoshop and then printed (and later transferred it again to better paper) to be inked properly with pens. A very convoluted way to produce these images, which is taking me longer to produce.
The whole thing is reminding me why I prefer working directly into Photoshop. I use to do it this way when preparing an image to be scanned.
The finished image might not appear in the exhibition. I will see how that goes. I might tease with more of these rough images in the run up to the exhibition. I will post the finished work after the exhibition has ended.
Day 31 (late):
And this brings my Inktober challenge to a spluttering end.
I thank everyone for "likes," hearts, "favourites" and comments during the month. It might not have been a big gesture, but it means a lot when I'm plagued with doubt as I create and finish a piece.
I'm not great at replying to comments and I realised at times I might not have sounded grateful. But thank you everyone for taking the time to look or comment.
Finished not perfect.
* I also posted these pictures on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and DeviantArt.
I got a lot more attention from those sites than here. I guess I still have a lot to learn about Tumblr and Blogger.
Day 30 (late):
I'm a bit late finishing Inktober as a result of the weekend.
I'm not going into any depth with story or description on this one.
Yesterday I received a request for a copy of the Day 29 image (which I happily sent), and I explained more to them about the image and why it was created. After doing that, I started wondering if I had ruined the sentimental value of the picture for them.
Day 29:
As the hooded stranger slayed the last vampire for the evening, he managed the catch the choir finishing a song he enjoyed listening to back in the day.
It wasn't the greatest song in the world, Just a tribute...
Day 28:
I'm falling behind on these now. I was busier than expected on Friday with other art work (when it rains, it pours).
I read that something like 12 million Americans believe alien lizards (disguised as humans) are politicians ruling the country. Depending on where you read it, the report drops the "alien" part, which could suggest they might equally think politicians are rats too, in a metaphorical sense.
Day 26:
A bit of a slow day. I was still recovering after Tuesday's drawing marathon.
I won't say much about this yet because it's part of another project. They are faceless for a reason though. Their faces will be replaced with a caricature in a later project (not in this pose, this is just a build up to it).
I will fix, colour and reposition them later in Photoshop.
These poses are very stiff. The male hero is okay enough, I based it of the Batman and Superman animated series model sheets. But the female hero I keep thinking I could have made her pose more famine (or more like Wonder Woman).
Day 25:
Yesterday I was busy doing illustrations in Castlebar Museum of Country Life. I volunteer once a month with Fighting Words Mayo, a creative writing workshop that works with school children (8 to 11 year olds). Volunteers are given a task that usually ranges from supervising / assisting, presenting the workshop, typing the story or illustrating (that's where I come in). We take two different schools in a day. On this occasion, both the morning and afternoon workshops were from the same school.
In this picture I included some of the main characters from the two story workshops.
I did this pretty quick last night after finishing up the illustrations for the workshop (I can draw quick enough when I want, but adding colour is always a challenge). You can still see where I was going to include a killer clown from one of the stories.
It's pretty much the same as day 20's. So, sorry about that.
Day 24:
This is supposed to be a Gallimimus. You see a herd of them in Jurassic Park get ambushed by a Tyrannosaurus.
I could have made the head a little smaller, but other than that I wasn't aiming for accuracy.
Day 23:
The swordsmith could not be sure if the process had worked, but as the hooded stranger held the sword, it glowed with it's familiar power. The smithing process had helped to pressurise its energy, causing it to radiate with more focus. The hooded stranger smiled as he looked at a pattern that was long forgotten.
I attended another Printmaking workshop in the Charlestown Art Centre (Co. Mayo), ran by Marianne Heemskerk. It was a day of etching and experimenting with colours. I did a print based on the monster fish from the story I was illustrating during Inktober 2016. This is an extended battle scene, the fish swimming down into the depths while the hooded stranger hangs on.
Day 21:
I was kind of stuck again for ideas. Like I said before, it's not so much lack of ideas (I recognise that now), but rather my ability to produce what comes to mind to a satisfactory conclusion.
I was watching a bit of "Stand Up To Cancer" on Channel 4 (UK) and saw the segment they did for the TV show Humans.
The family's robotic helper had to be sent away for repairs, so the repair guy gave them a replacement in the mean time. It was funny because it pretty much mirrors getting a replacement car, inferior and pretty rubbish in every respect. I have only seen two or three episodes of season 1 of Humans, but it was enough to find the segment funny.
Finished not perfect.
Day 20:
I mentioned on day 07 my weakness of drawing heads looking down. Here we are again.
I tried to make it less obvious by adding a cartoony exaggerated style to her head, but it still doesn't look as I had planned out in my thumbnail.
Finished not perfect.
Day 19:
Just messing about with this one.
I struggled for ideas. Not that I'm low on ideas, just stuck for things I know can finish to a reasonable standard.
Day 18:
The hooded stranger stared out over the water as the ferry chugged it's way to the mainland.
I realised a few days ago that there would be no way he would be able to fly back off the islands with the sword (luggage restrictions).
I still don't know if I should continue adding to this story. I have another story that takes place decades (and many adventures) later...
The shine on the towering exhaust thing in the background isn't sitting right with me. I think I could have left it out.
Day 17:
While the fishermen tried to explain their story to the coastal rescue, the hooded stranger walked away.
The End...
This was meant to be the final picture in this story.
I don't know yet what I will do next. I don't like the idea of doing random (or prompted) images again. So I don't know if I will continue with this saga.
Day 16:
A beam of light shot into the sky, visible by anyone on the islands [who just so happened to be facing that direction]. A few seconds later, a shock wave of celestial energy raced across the sea and reached land.
Day 14:
The hooded stranger could now feel its energy himself as the monster rose from the ocean and towered over them. The fishing crew, not as attuned to the energy, were taken by surprise.
Day 13:
The hooded stranger persuaded the fishermen to take him out to the area they spoke of.
As he sat there reading, his thoughts drifted in and out. He wondered was he responsible for the monster when he retrieved the sword? Or was it a case of being in the right place at the right time? The hooded stranger didn't believe in coincidences, but anything was possible...
The sword began to glow. "we are getting close" said the hooded stranger to himself.
Day 12:
To anyone else, it would have sounded like drunken attempts to impress the bar maid.
But the hooded stranger recognised the description. He knew exactly what the fishermen were talking about.
Day 11:
The hooded stranger visited the standing stones, to retrieve what was buried long ago.
The stones glowed with ancient markings. The sky turned heavy and the wind grew strong...
Day 10:
The hooded stranger arrives.
If his imagination didn't deceive him, he could have swore the plane came down sideways before straightening at the last second. Or maybe he hoped it was his imagination. It was definitely the bumpiest flight he was ever on.
I was binge watching some episodes of the 90's comedy Drew Carey Show. I forgot how many episodes I actually saw of this back in the day (it wasn't as popular in Ireland, relegated to late night Saturday viewing).
This was my second attempt at a picture for the day. I had finished another (different) picture but I felt it looked horrible (composition and line work was dull. I even attempted black comic style shading... I just have to accept that kind of inking is way outside my ability).
I watched some YouTube videos during the week of another artist that is doing Inktober. She had a similar problem (very unhappy with first image and so did another). And what she said turned out to be right, once you have done that first rubbish picture, it frees you and loosens you up to make a better second picture.
I admit when I did this Drew Carey picture, I wasn't paying enough attention, but I was enjoying drawing it more.
I might need to stay away from portraits though. They are my comfort zone and I do way too much of them already.
*and for the more observant, yes I do procrastinate a lot when doing a picture. I'm afraid of putting time into something that will flop.
I enjoyed drawing Locke in the day 7 post (I think mostly because he was the easier to make look like the cast) so I tried drawing him again.
After I had finished this though, I realised I still wasn't any closer to drawing him accurately (things like the eyes are too big).
I did this on blending card, the paper I use for my Fighting Words workshop illustrations. I had it in mind to do some kind of wash or use loads of ink, but I decided to keep it simple instead.
There is a lot wrong with this!
One of my many weaknesses is drawing faces looking down. I try to avoid any position where I can't see the eyes or mouth. For example, we shouldn't be able to see any of Jack's face (guy on right). Just hair and a bit of his nose. But I was worried that he would be unrecognisable. But he still is unrecognisable! His head just looks odder now. And that's the kind of twisted logic that trips me up. Looks good Vs Realistic positions.
I struggled with making this. I wanted to be funny because today's prompt was Lost. But it really exposes my weaknesses.
Doodling and thumb-nailing an idea for today's Inktober image. I'm pulled towards doing an scene from Brave. (I can't remember the movie, but I want to draw Merida).
Note to self, don't listen to podcasts while testing ideas.
I was listening to Your Creative Push episode 156 during this. The guest artist Mica Angela Hendricks mentioned her daughter drew a dinosaur body onto a head she had drawn. I normally listen to Your Creative Push when I'm in the middle of a piece but hating what I'm doing. Today I'm struggling with starting and expectations.
With Inktober, I'm now worrying that everyday has to be an awesome picture. But really Inktober is about getting back into the routine of creating and being satisfied with the process, not necessarily the end result. I'm finding the previous interview (ep 155) with Australian artist Abz very helpful.
There is a prompt sheet for Inktober.
I doubt I will stick with it. I might dip into it every now and again if I have a good idea to go with a certain day's prompt. I find prompt sheets to be more restrictive than inspiring.
I’m late with this one. I need to come up with some kind of new work flow. Chances are my daily images are going to take a hit in terms of detail (and quite possibly quality)…
I feel I could have went darker with the image (it’s supposed to be night), but as a consequence of my Day 3 I’m now afraid of adding too much black.
Day 03:
"Contemporary Park."
Okay, so it might not be the most original idea...
Got a new Pentel Brush pen. Had fun inking, and then lost the will to stay with it when I tried adding black shadows (something I don't normally do in any medium). I wasn't really going to use copics on it, but I pretty much had nothing to lose once I hit that problem area.
Bloody shadows! I don't know how comic inkers do it.
Day 02: As I do these InkTober (インク 十月) pictures, I’m reminded why I avoid doing important images on paper. I normally use Photoshop and can fix things easily enough. But on paper, a mistake can either be a big job to change or permanent. //
Today, I decided to draw the Japanese band Mass of the Fermenting Dregs. I don’t normally draw Japanese friends or strangers, so there is a good chance this is completely inaccurate (especially the drummer in the middle). //
** “Finished not perfect.” (I add this quote to remind myself it’s okay if it doesn’t look right or if it’s full of problems. Otherwise, I think I would quit pretty early in the drawing process if not the month).
Mayo vs Dublin All-Ireland Final replay is today.
As I started inking the image, I discovered my bottle of Indian ink (that I had never touched in over 5 or 10 years) was dry, or hard. I never knew that the "black" could go solid while the liquid stayed the same.
"Finished, Not Perfect..." (basically to remind myself it’s okay if it isn’t perfect).
I wasn't sure if Copic Markers counted towards INKtober, so I decided to upload this without the Inktober tags.